May in the Garden

May is a such a beautiful month.

The flower beds should be mulched or mulched soon, retaining moister in the soil and helping to suppress weeds. Signs of fast growth should appear in your garden at this time.

 Daylight now stretches from 5.00am and will last until 10.00pm by the end of the month and plants are making the most of the sun and the light to grow.

 Jobs for May: 

  • Lawn mowing once a week. We have been scarifying lawns and laying seed before the rain ready to freshen up your lawns to enjoy for the summer

  • Pruning spring flowering shrubs

  • Trimming hedges, we have brought the shears out to neaten up hedges and shaped shrubs and trees, giving your gardens structure and elegance

  • This is a great and pressing time to remove weeds before they take hold. Clearing beds to give the optimum space and resources to your chosen garden plants is a top priority for us in your garden this month

  • We have completed a couple of planting jobs in April, clearing gardens, creating mood boards, and choosing plants to work in harmony with your space. We love considering colours and shapes to go alongside the plants already established in your garden. We can’t wait to see the results this summer.

 If you would like a bed cleared and replanted or a section of your garden rethought, we would love to help you with this, please get in touch for us to cater to your space.

We hope you have a lovely May and enjoy seeing the first blossoms and blooms this month has to offer,

The team at Mackintosh Martin Gardening

Cherry Blossom coming out and looking spectacular

Little flower buds and new leaves appearing

Climbing rose is looking very healthy and ready to flower this year in June

First blossoms on the Evergreen Orange Blossom

Annual Cosmos flowers in the cold frame getting ready to be planted outside for this years display

Gorgeous rich Hostas appearing


June in the Garden


April in the Garden